Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Well- its 1:40 a.m. - to me its still Monday ... but I guess its Tuesday now. Drove to Calgary for a meeting with Kids Up Front today, then went and set my show up at Ben Venuto's in Calgary. Then confirmed the CBC sponsorship of our Mural project with Debbie Boodram. Drove back home to Edmonton and immediately went out to Paul and Lewis' place and proofed the invites for all the shows. Then we set up my mural so I could see what the heck i had done in 8 chunks of 4 x 8 sections. It actually came together pretty good! Now to make it look sharp! Then Lewis and I discussed for a couple of hours the NOA mural project. Then I came home to discover Bernadette's dad (Calgary show) was in the hospital with bad heart problems. Bad last few days for families in our show.
Spent an hour addressing emails now off to bed as tomorrow I must paint my mural and then get back to Calgary!!

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