Wednesday, October 27, 2010

God bless good friends and family. When a life begins to grow inside a woman, especially when it is unexpected like Mary had to go through, it can turn a beautiful moment into one of uncertainty. To know you have to share the unplanned news with your spouse, to know that you may not be ready for this unexpected treasure, to have so many questions you don;t know the answers to, can cause one to doubt that its even possible. Mary was scared and uncertain.

So many women go through this challenge. Friends and family can help so much in providing comfort. Mary visited Elizabeth to share the news and in doing so gained strength and comfort.

We all need friends and family to turn to in moments where we are uncertain. I believe God works miracles sometimes through the people he places in our lives whose words can make all the difference. They can strengthen our faith that all will be well and will also provide the support in times of difficulty.

I know I have been so blessed with beautiful friends and beautiful family. This is no coincidence. I know that they have been placed in my life for a reason and my life is beautiful because of it. With that in mind we should all do our best to be that person that others so desperately need in times of trouble. We need to give our love as much as we need to receive others love.
See the mural piece added to the big picture here

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