Had a productive day today getting ready for the trip to Ohio. Had an NOA meeting this a.m. discussing the 2009 festival. Good start to the day. Then I headed out to the ranch/studio and began priming the next mural which we are beginning for the west coast. After the morning was exhausted from hours painting away I spent the afternoon dealing with US customs. Did another interview with another equine magazine regarding Le Cadeau Du Cheval and worked on hotel arrangements in Ohio with the Congress crew. Got our flights booked today and I took a peak to see when the Columbus Blue Jackets were playing as I would love to see an NHL game while I am in Columbus.May be going to see the BUCKEYES...coolio...
Discovered a musician named Missy Higgins who is peforming in Columbus. Thought it was "lil Miss Higgins" from Saskatchewan but this Missy Higgins is an Ozzie. Might go check her show out anyways ha.
Worked late tonight, had a couple of beers with the team and am off to home. Still kinda feels weird walking in the house without the little guy sitting there waiting for me with tennis ball in mouth.
So two more days and then I am going to take a week holiday before the work begins in Ohio. Hot-springs, golf and vino here I come! YES!!!
How about a pic from the fashion show since I was tlaking about the NOA fetsival this a.m.. Maybe I'll post two pics as I am going to add more fashion this year! sweet...